Terms & Conditions
We’re aiming to build a community that works for everyone. To do so, we need to adhere to a few simple rules. By using this site, you:
Acknowledge that we (Baobab Co.) have, to our best efforts, worked to bring you accurate information about what we feature on our site. We do not, however, guarantee the accuracy of the sources used to populate our website and you agree to make your own inquiries and use your own best judgment about whether a product or service meets your values and needs.
Acknowledge that copyright in all images and text belong to their respective copyright holders. For all images that do not belong to Baobab Co., we’ve sourced explicit approval from the image owner prior to use, or in some cases material, we believe to be covered by the Fair Use Doctrine.
Agree that we are not liable for any loss or damage that arises from your use of this site.
Got feedback? We’d like to hear it.
If you have reason to believe that any information on Baobab is inaccurate or misrepresentative in any way or does not properly and portrays a brand or product in a way that is unfair, unlawful, or otherwise inappropriate, we want to fix that right away. Reach out to us at hello@baobab.eco